Friday, October 5, 2012

The Zoo....I Mean, The Pet Store

We have a dog. He's extremely mellow with our kids. He's also broken. (I'm serious. He has no ACL in his left hind leg.) But, he's still good. He doesn't mind it when the kids body surf him. He also doesn't mind it when they throw him food from the table.

Once a month, we go to the pet store to buy his specialty dog food.
We found lots of Nemo's!

Since having kids, I look at the pet store in a whole new way. I call it, "The Zoo."

Since, basically, it has all the properties of what an actual zoo has. Animals. Just on a more domesticated scale. You can observe them, watch them get feed, buy souvenirs, and food/snacks. Plus, admission is FREE!

During the summer, when it's really hot here, I take the kids a couple times a month. They never tire of "The Zoo," and it's air conditioned. (Plus, it's a great way to kill an hour.)

Cool Neon Fish
We have PetCo and PetSmart in our town, along with at least one small business pet store. Sometimes we rotate where we go. (PetCo tends to be more my favorite, since Michael's is right next door!)

When we enter this magical world, my kids are in wonderment! All the animals! The fish tanks are always a big hit, along with the guinea pigs and adoption cats.

I think people think we are crazy, because I would refer to it as, "The Zoo." But why not? We don't have an actual zoo in our town. The closest one is four hours away.

At the "Zoo" with the kids!
If you're like me, and not blessed with a local zoo, go check out your pet store! It makes for such an exciting day for your children. Plus, a nice escape from the house for you!

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"The godly care for their animals..."
Proverbs 12:10

I'd love to hear thoughts and comments!

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